北京 自行车 / Beijing Bicycle/ La Bicicleta de Beijing

Esta es la bicicleta con la que dí vueltas por todo Beijing en el 2004. La alquilaba cada mañana en el Saga Hostel en que me hospedaba y recorrí con ella todos los Hutongs (barrios tradicionales de casas bajas y calles estrechas) y todas las dajie (avenidas) que pude. Aquí está posando de noche en el extremo norte de la Ciudad Prohibida, en frente a la puerta de entrada al Jingshan Gongyuan o Parque de la Colina de las Vistas.

Beijing (China), junio 2004

This is the bike with which I turned around Beijing in 2004. I rented it daily at the Saga Hostel where I stayed and rode with it all the Hutongs (traditional neighborhood of low houses and narrow streets) and all the Dajie (Avenues) I could. Here is posing at night at the north side of the Forbidden City, in front of the entrance door of the Jingshan Gongyuan  or Hill View Park.

Beijing (China), june 2004

About Dani Planas Labad

I´m a travel and documentary photographer based in Barcelona. On my journeys I always focus on local people, traditions, religions and other social aspects, as well as on landscapes and portraits. I have published in travel magazines and made several individual and collective exhibitions.
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